BMC Education Department: One of the important areas of administration is the education department. BMC provides Free education to ~2.93 Lakhs students across the city in 8 different mediums namely Hindi, Marathi, English, Urdu, Gujarati, Kannada, Telugu and Tamil.
For such a large student base, it has a massive workforce of 9,421 teachers across 1,135 schools with ~33 students per teacher (PTR). These teachers are responsible for Pedagogical as well as administrative interventions. To support the teachers, there is a system of beat officers and administrative officers in every ward. These officers report to deputy education officers and the education officer who guide and support the entire Eco-system. They are headed by the Joint Municipal Commissioner (Jt.MC) who has executive power on the decision-making process.
To monitor the real-time status of various projects/ activities under the ambit of Samagra Shiksha
To keep track of enrolled students including learning outcomes, Dropouts, support required by teachers and schools, etc.
To monitor & track field level academic & non-academic activities at state level & also empower administrators & teachers in the field to take data driven decisions
To identify and analyse improvement areas for decision making and implementation that needs urgent attention
To improve the academic performance of students and to enhance the accountability of teachers in schools and effective utilisation of the available resources
To setup centralized helpdesk for grievance redressal mechanism for stakeholders of School ecosystem
To develop Centralized dashboard providing the real-time performance indicators of Schools
Enhance field staff/administrator accountability & monitor real-time progress in School Education projects.
Vidya Samiksha Kendra (VSK) is a Nationwide programme launched by the Ministry of Education, Government of India. VSK is aimed at leveraging data and technology to bring a big leap in learning outcomes. This can cover data of approx. 15000 (Fifteen thousand) schools, 56000 (Fifty Six thousand) teachers and 1000000 (Ten lakh) students, and analyse them meaningfully using Big data analysis, artificial intelligence and machine learning to enhance the overall monitoring of the education system and, thereby, improving learning outcomes.